15th Annual BLSA Banquet 2016
"Still I Rise: Fostering Persistent Leaders in the Legal Profession"
Sponsorship Packages
Sponsorship Packet (Major Contributions)
Are you Interested in Attending this year's Banquet?
This package comes with a variety of different options for you. We want you to not only attend but to impact our BLSA Banquet in a meaningful way. For ways to add your company logo to our event and more, please let us know at ua.blsabanquet@gmail.com.
Please send to Neena Speer, this year's Sponsorship Leader Chair. (subj: Sponsorship).
In-Kind Donations (legal prep courses, bar prep courses, etc.)
Are you Interested in Donating with items we need to make our event a success?
We are looking to accept the following in-kind donations:
Stationary Items (i.e. pens, notepads, bags)
Decoration Items
Printing Services
LSAT Prep Courses, Books, Tutors
Bar Prep Courses
For ways to provide any of these items or anything else you feel will benefit the banquet further, please let us know at ua.blsabanquet@gmail.com.
Please send to Neena Speer, this year's Sponsorship Leader. (subj: In Kind Donations).

Scholarship (for students and pre-law students)
Are you Interested in Sponsoring a Scholarship in your name?
It's easy and your donation will help a law student with financial support or even better contribute to a future law student's dreams to attend law school. For ways to sponsor a scholarship in your name and more, please let us know at ua.blsabanquet@gmail.com.
Please send to Neena Speer, this year's Sponsorship Leader. (subj: Scholarship Sponsor)