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This Year's Banquet:
Special Guests:
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Honored Guests
  • Etc.
  • Door Prizes
  • and even More!
How To Get Involved:
Are you a UA BLSA Member? Do you want to help plan our biggest event of the year?
It's THAT EASY. Come to the First Interest Meeting of the Year to Learn More in August 2015





Meet The Team
2015-2016 BLSA Banquet Chair- Neena Speer


Updates on the Event
  • TBD

    • First Sponsorship Packet Sendoff


  • TBD

    • Banquet Commitee Interest Meeting


  • TBD

    • Banquet Leadership Outing


  • TBD

    • First emails sent out with committe info.


  • June-6-2015

    • Begin forming Banquet Committee Leadership Team


  • May-15-2015

    • Began planning.

  • July -11-2015

    • ​Sent out BLSA Leadership Committee Emails

  • July-17-2015

    • ​FINAL Notice of BLSA Banquet Committe Leaders

  • August 2015

    • ​BLSA Banquet Committee Interest Meeting

  • September- 15- 2015

    • ​1st BIG Assignments Due; 1st Sponsorship Push

  • October-27-2015

    • ​UPDATES; 2nd Sponsorship Push

  • November- 19- 2015

    • ​Last Planning Meeting for Fall Semester; 3rd Sponsorship Push




© 2015 by UA BLSA Banquet Commitee. Proudly created with


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